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Please click on the file below to see complete ordering details for a Preservation Pathway Paver. Orders can be completed below.
Paver Order Form(Printable Copy)
Order a Preservation Paver Now
Help Pave the way to Salmon Preservation
First Name
Last Name
Mailing Address(Including Postal Code)
Phone Number
Would you like a Tax Receipt?
*Tax receipts will be provided at year end for the paver amount less the cost of the engraved brick in the amount allowable by the CRA*
Select an item (C$)
Dedication Paver - Size Small (4" x 8") - C$200
Dedication Paver - Size Large (8" x 8") - C$500
Memorial Paver - Size Large (8" x 8") - C$500
Corporate and other Major Supporter's Paver - Size Large (8" x 8") - C$1000
I accept terms & conditions
Order Now
What would you like your Paver to say?
Maximum 16 characters per line,
48 total
for Small Paver - 80 total for large paver
*including punctuation and spaces*
Paver text Line 1
Paver text Line 2
Paver text Line 3
Paver text Line 4 * (Large Pavers Only)
Paver text Line 5 * (Large Pavers Only)
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